
On November 18, 2023, the 9th National "Hydrogen" Biomedical Conference and the 2023 Annual Conference of the Hydrogen Molecular Biomedical Branch of the China Geriatric Health Medical Research Association were grandly held at the Hilton Hotel in Haikou.

The conference, with the theme of "Collaborating Industry, Education, and Research in Hydrogen Medicine, Empowering a Healthy Free Trade Island with Hydrogen Technology", conducted in-depth discussions on the basic principles, mechanism effects, latest research achievements, and development and practical achievements of hydrogen biomedicine, showcasing the academic and applied development achievements of hydrogen molecular biomedicine in China.

The National Hydrogen Biomedical Conference is one of the renowned professional academic conferences in the industry. The conference still presents high standards and standards. The conference is hosted by the Hydrogen Molecular Biomedical Branch of the China Geriatric Healthcare Medical Research Association, and is a large tertiary hospital, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University The hydrogen research team Mount Taishan Hydrogen Biomedical Research Institute of Shandong First Medical University and the sponsor conference of Shenzhen Aimuin Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a rising enterprise in the hydrogen industry, drank hydrolyzed Jiucai hydrogen rich water and invited more than 20 domestic top hydrogen biomedical research experts and more than seven experts and professors from Japan, South Korea, the United States and Russia to discuss the latest research results of hydrogen biotechnology.

Highlights of the conference: Chinese and foreign scholars present the latest research achievements in hydrogen medicine on the same stage; Young and middle-aged scholars working on the front line of scientific research have become the main force of the conference report; The research on molecular mechanisms of hydrogen medicine and clinical trials complement each other; Famous universities, hospitals and research institutions, such as Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have become major producers of hydrogen medicine research achievements.

Chairman Qin Shucun delivered the opening speech

Academician Xia Zhaofan, honorary chairman of the conference and from Changhai Hospital of the Naval Medical University, delivered a video speech. In her speech, she pointed out that hydrogen has good biological safety and convenient use, and hydrogen medicine research has significant significance. Hydrogen medicine can move towards evidence-based medicine and be applied in clinical practice, serving the health of residents. Nowadays, scientists and doctors from all over the world are constantly striving in hydrogen molecular biology research and medical applications, and new achievements are constantly emerging. We look forward to the emergence of more original achievements in the emerging disciplines of hydrogen molecular biology and hydrogen medicine in various fields of production, education, and research, and contribute to the realization of China's great health and healthy aging strategy. Honorary Chairman of the conference and Academician Cong Bin from Hebei Medical University wished the conference a complete success over the phone.

Video Speech by Academician Xia Zhaofan of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Vice President Wang Cheng of the China Geriatric Health Research Association pointed out in his speech that with the intensification of China's aging population, the health issues of the elderly are receiving more and more attention. Hydrogen medicine, as an emerging medical field and a scientific theory and practical technology in the field of medical health, has important significance and broad application prospects for addressing population aging. Since its establishment in 2020, the Hydrogen Molecular Biomedical Branch of the China Geriatric Health Research Association, under the leadership of Chairman Qin Shucun, has made outstanding contributions to accelerating academic exchanges in hydrogen molecular medicine, guiding the standardization and standardization of the hydrogen medicine industry, and promoting the healthy development of the hydrogen molecular medicine industry in China. I sincerely hope that through this conference, we can actively focus on the "Healthy China" strategic deployment, jointly promote the research and development of hydrogen medicine, continuously overcome difficulties in the field of elderly diseases, integrate prevention and treatment, emphasize both Chinese and Western medicine, innovate and develop, adhere to the principle of putting people first and life first, and serve the health cause of billions of elderly people in China.

The products brought by Shenzhen Aimuyin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to the exhibition at this conference have been recognized and praised by top domestic and foreign hydrogen biomedical research experts.

During the break of the conference, Chairman Qin Shucun visited the Kang Enquan booth and had in-depth discussions with General Manager Zuo Guoyun on hydrogen products. He highly praised our integrated hydrogen rich water dispenser and hydrogen dissolving health pot.

After exchanging hydrogen products with the chairman of the conference, Qin Shucun, and taking a group photo with each other on WeChat (as shown in the picture)

During the break of the conference, Professor Sun Xuejun, the chairman of the conference, had a deep exchange of hydrogen products with General Manager Zuo Guoyun at the Kang Enquan booth. He said that our integrated hydrogen rich water dispenser and hydrogen dissolving health pot combined perfectly, completely solving the problem of brewing hydrogen tea and traditional Chinese medicine. It is a good product.

During the break of the conference, Professor Sun Xuejun, the chairman of the conference, communicated with General Manager Zuo Guoyun at the Kang Enquan booth about the automatic filling machine for hydrogen rich water cans. He said that Kang Enquan's sponsorship of the conference this time has a great feeling for the Jiejiucai Rich Hydrogen Water Mouth! Ask: Is it our filling machine that fills it? After the explanation by General Manager Zuo Guoyun, Professor Sun Xuejun, the chairman of the conference, highly recognized and affirmed our hydrogen rich water can automatic filling machine.

During the conference break, top foreign hydrogen biomedical research experts visited the Kang'enquan booth to learn about our integrated hydrogen rich water dispenser, and said that our product has a very good prospect in the international market!

(Above) Group photo of Zuo Guoyun, Managing Director, and Professor Shigeo Ohta

(On the picture) Executive Chairman, Director Cheng Youqin. Ling Feng is the first female doctor in the field of neurosurgery in China and one of the pioneers of interventional neuroradiology technology in China. Zuo Guoyun, Managing Director

Group photo with Tyler LeBaron lecturer (shown in the picture)

(On the picture) Mr. Fu, President of Hydrogen Di Brand, Professor Shen Wenbiao, and Managing Director of Zuo Guoyun

The signature of the expert professor on Kang Enquan's brochure (as shown in the picture)

Shenzhen Aimuyin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. would like to express our gratitude to all the experts and professors for their high recognition and guidance on our products! We will move forward with determination, walk steadily and go far; focus on making every product with dedication!

Kang Enquan Jie Jiucai Rich Hydrogen Water, as the sponsor of the 9th National Hydrogen Biomedical Conference, has become the exclusive water for this event, which is a great honor and encouragement. At this conference, more than 20 top domestic and foreign hydrogen biomedical research experts, as well as experts and professors from 7 countries including Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Russia, were invited to jointly discuss the latest research achievements in hydrogen biotechnology. At the same time, it was fortunate for the expert representatives to taste and experience it on site, and received unanimous praise from the on-site representatives.

Kang Enquan is willing to seize every opportunity and continue to help more friends around him, so that they can drink good water and have a healthy body. Like many enterprises and hydrogen medicine experts, we will continue to help people live healthier, happier, and sweeter lives!

Professor Sun Xuejun, Co Chairman of the conference and Honorary Chairman of the Hydrogen Molecular Biomedical Branch of the China Geriatric Healthcare Medical Research Association, delivered a closing speech. He pointed out that this is an important conference showcasing the achievements of international hydrogen medicine research and a high-level academic exchange conference on hydrogen medicine with historical significance. Through the conference, we can deeply feel the rapid development of hydrogen medicine research in China, China's hydrogen medicine research has become a co leader and important contributor, from a follower at the beginning to an important participant later on. I hope that in the future, we can have new achievements every year and more opportunities for communication. I also hope that enterprises, universities, and academic institutions can actively apply to participate in co hosting conferences.

Since its establishment in 2019, Shenzhen Aimuyin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has collaborated with or consulted experts and professors from the Military Medical Research Institute, Military Medical University, Huikang Hydrogen Medicine, Shandong First Medical University, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and other units. Through efforts, the company has obtained nearly 20 patents and mastered the core hydrogen production process using the latest physical and nano hydrogen dissolution technologies, which can achieve supersaturation of hydrogen rich water hydrogen concentration. The heating of hydrogen rich water can also maintain a relatively high concentration, achieving the ability to drink warm and high concentration hydrogen rich water. At the same time, the company has developed and produced a hydrogen production machine that integrates suction and drinking. It can both drink hydrogen water and absorb hydrogen gas. In addition, a matching hydrogen melting pot has been launched. It can also conveniently produce hydrogen tea, hydrogen coffee, hydrogen milk, hydrogen wine, and so on, truly achieving multi-functional and multi scenario cooperation. While providing convenience to customers, it also saves costs, achieving multiple uses for one machine and multiple uses for the same amount of money. In the field of hydrogen oxygen machines, we have achieved multiple technological applications such as pulse and blood oxygen heart rate detection, greatly improving the efficiency and experience of users using hydrogen oxygen flow, effectively reducing user costs. At the same time, we have also developed and produced products such as hydrogen rich water (can, aluminum can, bag packaging) automatic filling machine/small hydrogen bath machine/hydrogen dissolving health pot/RO reverse osmosis hydrogen water machine/hydrogen rich water cup/hydrogen rich water.

Development history of Kang'enquan brand
In 2021, CCTV sports commentator Han Qiaosheng became the brand image spokesperson for Kang Enquan
In 2021, Kang Enquan was crowned as a CCTV exhibition brand on CCTV
In 2021, Kang'en Spring hydrogen rich water was donated to the Guangdong Zhongnanshan Foundation to assist in the fight against the epidemic. In the same year, it was also awarded the title of "Love Enterprise" by the Guangdong Lions Association
In 2022, Kang Enquan became the leader unit for drafting standards for household hydrogen water machines, household hydrogen production machines, and hydrogen drinks jointly initiated by Shandong Province Household Appliance Association and Standards Institute
In 2022, Kang Enquan will become a member of the drafting group of the standard of "Same Origin of Medicine and Food and General Requirements for Tonic Diet Formula Food" of China Association for the Promotion of International Science and Technology
In 2023, Beijing Xingmei Film and Television will authorize Kang Enquan brand to use the stills of Andy Lau from "The Apostle"
In 2023, due to the uniqueness and innovation of the product, I was invited by CCTV's "Traceability Program Group" to have a dialogue interview with the host
In 2023, we donated Kangenquan Intelligent Hydrogen Oxygen Machine, Hydrogen Water Machine and other products to the Intensive Care Department of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, receiving high praise
In 2023, the Kang'enquan wall mounted hydrogen water machine entered Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and after laboratory testing, the hydrogen concentration reached as high as 4.5ppm
Sponsoring Unit for Water Use at the 9th National "Hydrogen" Biomedical Conference in 2023
Kang Enquan is gradually entering the ranks of leaders in hydrogen health products, laying a solid foundation for achieving the strategic goal of hydrogen entering millions of households and making hydrogen the guardian of health for billions of households