The Inducing Factors of Multiple Diseases - Free Radicals
Free radicals are highly reactive, unstable, and short-lived compounds that, due to their instability, can react chemically with cellular tissues in the body. This chemical reaction can be collectively referred to as oxidation, causing tissue cells to lose their normal function, and even damaging DNA, causing damage or mutations, leading to cancer.
What is free radical
Free radicals, also known as "free radicals" in chemistry, refer to atoms or groups with unpaired electrons formed by the uniform cleavage of covalent bonds in compound molecules under external conditions such as photothermal reactions.
2. The harm of free radicals to the human body
Medical research and clinical trials have shown that the seizure of electrons in human cells is the source of all diseases. Free radical ROS is a substance that lacks electrons (unsaturated electron substances), and after entering the human body, it competes for electrons everywhere. If the electrons of cell protein molecules are taken away, the protein will undergo alkylation on the branched chain, forming distorted molecules and causing cancer—— The above information is sourced from the internet.
From the above understanding of free radicals, it can be summarized that a substance produced by the human body during photosynthesis can cause cell mutations and lead to various diseases or cancers.
During the research process, it was found that hydrogen is an element with strong antioxidant capacity. Due to its very low density, it can penetrate every corner of the human body, including cell membranes, blood vessels, etc. And hydrogen can neutralize free radicals in the body, which is currently the best way to eliminate free radicals.
Why can hydrogen rich water remove free radicals
After the dissolution of hydrogen and water, when the human body drinks water containing high concentrations of hydrogen, hydrogen will enter the body along with the water consumed, and then be absorbed by the human body into the bloodstream, reaching every corner of the body. Every cell in the human body needs to be nourished by water, so moisturizing with hydrogen rich water can rejuvenate cells and prevent them from being harmed by free radicals. So, after long-term consumption of hydrogen rich water, people's overall mental state will be better, they will feel energetic, and the younger they become. The main reason is that hydrogen efficiently cleans up free radicals in the body.
4. What brand of hydrogen rich water machine is good?
Although hydrogen rich water is very beneficial to the human body, the production of hydrogen rich water machines is not easy. At present, there are not many companies globally that can independently master high-efficiency hydrogen production technology, and many are even in an immature state of technology. Currently, in the production and manufacturing technology of hydrogen rich water machines, Wistron's technology is a leading brand. Its highly concentrated electrolytic hydrogen production technology and nano hydrogen dissolution technology have been favored by users in the global market.