With the deepening of research and practice in hydrogen molecular medicine, people are increasingly recognizing and trusting the application of hydrogen health products in the form of drinking hydrogen water and absorbing hydrogen molecules. And become a new health concept and lifestyle. Among them, the audience for drinking hydrogen water is more extensive. After all, drinking water is necessary for daily life. Simply replace the water with high concentration hydrogen rich water containing hydrogen molecules, which does not take up extra time and energy, can achieve sub-health regulation, promote metabolism, and improve quality of life. In recent years, hydrogen rich water products have gradually become popular in the high-end water market, and there are also many questions about hydrogen water consumption. You may want to read this article and I believe it can give you an answer.
1. Drinking hydrogen water, is the higher the concentration, the better?
According to current research results, the higher the concentration of hydrogen water, the more significant the improvement effect on the body may be. But it should be emphasized that drinking hydrogen water should be a way of health preservation. Even high concentrations of hydrogen water need to be consumed regularly for a period of time before changes in various body indicators can be observed. It is unrealistic to expect hydrogen water to take immediate effect. It is more advocated for everyone to jointly apply multiple hydrogen intake methods at the same time.
2. How much hydrogen water should be consumed to be useful?
The principle of drinking water is to drink as much as possible when physical conditions permit, and the same goes for drinking hydrogen rich water. Clinical studies have found that drinking 900 milliliters of hydrogen water per day for two consecutive months leads to a decrease in blood lipids. Japanese scholars have found that drinking 1000 milliliters of hydrogen water daily for 48 weeks (nearly a year) can improve the clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease patients. This indicates that drinking hydrogen rich water will not have an immediate effect and requires long-term persistence.
3. Can hydrogen be absorbed from the digestive tract when drinking hydrogen water?
Gas is absorbed from the digestive tract, following the law of substance diffusion. Gas dissolves in liquids and water, which is not fundamentally different from the dissolution of other substances such as glucose and table salt. Glucose is absorbed by the digestive tract, and gas is absorbed from the high concentration portion to the low concentration portion through diffusion. The gas entering and leaving the cell needs to pass through the gas channels on the cell membrane. Modern research evidence suggests that gases and ions are similar and require gas channels. Small molecule gases typically borrow cell membrane channels from other substances. For example, water channels have been proven to be gas channels. Gas can enter and leave cells through waterways according to concentration gradients.
4. How long can hydrogen molecules in hydrogen rich water exist in the human body?
Hydrogen molecules have strong penetration, so after drinking hydrogen rich water, the duration of hydrogen in the body is very short, and may not exceed 3 hours in the human body.
5. What are the intuitive experiences of drinking hydrogen water?
Most people's experience is that their energy is better than before, and their physical fatigue level will also be slightly reduced; Secondly, the body's resistance has slightly increased, appetite has improved, and intestinal problems such as poor bowel movements have also been alleviated.
6. Is drinking hydrogen water necessarily effective? What if there is no effect?
The effectiveness of drinking hydrogen water is uncertain. Academic research has shown that it can have therapeutic effects on a certain disease, but this does not mean that everyone has the same effect. Some have good effects, some are not ideal, and some may not have any effect at all. Academic research relies on overall statistics to distinguish whether it is effective, not to say that it is effective for everyone.
7. When is it better to drink hydrogen water?
There is no mandatory requirement for this, and a certain amount of hydrogen water can be consumed in the morning or before bedtime. In addition, the structure of daily drinking water does not need to be changed, just adding hydrogen to daily drinking water. Many people experience an increase in urination frequency after drinking hydrogen water. It should be noted that elderly people with poor kidney function should control their water intake and avoid drinking too much before bedtime. 200-300 milliliters is sufficient to prevent excessive waking up and affecting sleep quality.
8. Can children drink hydrogen water?
It can be consumed, and hydrogen gas as a food additive has entered the national catalog. In the EU's list of food additives, there is no limit on the amount of hydrogen as a food additive. In China, hydrogen gas as a food additive has also been officially issued as a national standard. The National Health Commission issued the national standard for hydrogen gas as a food additive in December 2014, GB31633-2014 "National Food Safety Standard for Food Additives - Hydrogen Gas". It can be seen that the safety of hydrogen for human use is very high, and it is also great for children to insist on drinking hydrogen rich water.
9. Can hydrogen water be left for a period of time before drinking?
As mentioned earlier, hydrogen molecules have strong penetration. Due to the flexibility and permeability of hydrogen, hydrogen dissolved in water is particularly prone to escape from water to air. The hydrogen concentration in water produced by ordinary hydrogen production equipment also rapidly decreases, while the hydrogen concentration in water produced by nanotechnology decreases slowly. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare and drink hydrogen water immediately. It is better to drink the hydrogen water as soon as possible after using a hydrogen water cup and hydrogen water mechanism to prepare the hydrogen water.
10. Is it better to absorb hydrogen or drink hydrogen water?
Both of these methods are reasonable hydrogen utilization methods, each with its own advantages. The hydrogen doses obtained by the two methods are different, and the focus is also different. Inhalation of hydrogen gas is large, not limited by drinking water volume, suitable for medical conditioning. Drinking hydrogen water is simple and feasible, suitable for a healthy lifestyle in daily life.